
Para empacar (clonar) toda la maquina virtual.

1. Package the pre-configured box => vagrant package --base preconfigured_vm --output /path/to/
   Note that as per the docs, the --base option should be the UUID of the machine, or the name 
   VirtualBox gives the machine (found when opening the VirtualBox application).
2. Transfer the box to the computer by using scp, rsync or whatever... 
   (you also start a web server quickly by using python -m http.server PORT or ruby -run -e httpd /path/to -p PORT)
3. Init and start vagrant init preconfigured_vm /path/to/
4. Done 

Cloning a Vagrant Box on Another Machine

How to Setup a Laravel Project You Cloned from

Clonar el git master y descomprimirlo

Todos los comandos desde la caja de Homestead e ir al proyecto

  • vagrant ssh

Para crear vendor dir

  • composer install

Para crear node_modules dir

  • npm install

Creare a copy of your .env file

Generate an app encryption key

  • php artisan key:generate

Create an empty database sqlite en database/

  • database.sqlite

In the .env file, add database information to allow Laravel to connect to the database

DB_DATABASE=test    (nombre que le dimos a la base de datos en homestead.yaml)

Storage Link

  • php artisan storage:link

Migrate the database

  • php artisan migrate [Optional]: Seed the database
  • php artisan migrate:fresh –seed


  • npm run dev o
  • npm run watch